Never Enough Time, Always Enough Excuses

Are you ready for the easiest way to lose weight, look great, and have more energy…?  We’ll take a two minutes and read how simple it can be, while having a laugh or two in the process.

Have you ever found yourself completely inspired to start a new fitness journey, only to find yourself overwhelmed, under-motivated & simply making excuse after excuse on why you “don’t have enough time to workout”…?  You’re not alone, and the irony is that it’s not your fault… most of the time it’s ours as trainers and/or fitness professionals… yes, that’s right, it’s our fault.  We need to do a better job of finding ways to help keep you motivated and coming back day after day, however… this is not completely our fault… let’s be honest, many of you come up with excuse after excuse on why you have no time… it’s time to do a little self assessment here…  Let’s explore some of those excuses:

  1. My kids have a play that night…
  2. I get out of work too late…
  3. I have to get to work too early…
  4. I’m not in shape yet, but once I am I’ll be ready to start going to the gym…
  5. It costs too much to join a gym…
  6. I’m not comfortable in a gym…
  7. There’s too many scary pieces of equipment… I don’t know what to do…
  8. I’m not into that whole “crossfit cult thing”…
  9. It’s not like having a few glasses of wine per nigh… I mean week… is a bad thing is it…
  10. I’ll start tomorrow…

This list could easily have been 100 or 1000 items long, but in the end, the key here is to keep it simple team…!  In order to achieve a successful training and nutritional routine, there’s 3 simple ways to find yourself on the path to total health and fitness…

  1. Keep it Simple – You only need to focus on 3 specific and measurable goals.  Great examples of this would be, in 3 month’s I’d like to run a mile without stopping in less than 10 minutes… or within the next month, I’m going to plan out my workout schedule and commit to 3, 30 minute workouts per week.
    • One Short Term < 1 month out.
    • One Mid Term < 3-6 months out.
    • One Long Term 6-12 months out.
  2. Time Management – There is no way that you will find time to workout for 30 minutes per day, let alone a full hour, if you don’t turn shut down the social media from time to time.  We are all guilty of this one, but you can lose hours per day scrolling aimlessly through pictures of cats flushing toilets and dogs sleeping in bathing suits on the beach.  Prioritize people, it’s easy to keep saying  you’ll start tomorrow but if you don’t have at least an outline of a plan, you will find yourself week after week in “prep mode” without ever starting the process.
  3. Surround Yourself with Positive People – This is one of my favorites and I could go on and on about it but for now, we’ll just Keep it simple as item 1 states we should do.  Simply find people who share those same goals and interests that will lead you towards the gym, exercise class, outdoor activity and embrace that passion together.  Not only will you suddenly find yourself working out and training on a more regular basis, but the added connection and motivation to stay in the game will keep you inspired for years to come.

For now we’ll keep this short and sweet, but tell us what you think, share your feedback and who knows, maybe we’ll hire you as one of our weekly/monthly blog writers while you start your own fitness journey.

Welcome to Team Three Sixty Fitness…!

Goal Set… Achieve… Repeat…!

Find your inner athlete… Then train like one…!